There are three basic things you will need to do:
Log In: Use the Forgot Login and reset your password for this email.
Verify: Verify your information is correct!!!
Requirements: Complete the background check
and safesport training.
Log InGo to
GotSportIn case that doesn't come across in your email: you have logged in before, just log in and skip the forgot password step and go to Verify below. Otherwise,
From the login, choose Forgot Password:

You will then receive an email with a link to set your password.
VerifyOnce you log in, it should take you to your profile information. Review the information and make sure it is all right!!
In particular, make sure name and DOB is right. You'll notice you can also set a different email if you prefer, and password directly from here.

RequirementsNext, use the link in the upper left corner to go to your user profile dashboard.
Background CheckFrom the dashboard, find the background check.

Select More Info. That will take you to the background check page. Choose Submit New Report.

Step through and enter all required information. You will not receive a confirmation, it will eventually just change the status to Fulfilled.
SafeSportAlso, ALL COACHES are required to complete SafeSport training every year. If you have completed SafeSport already (since 6/1/2021), you can enter the Completed Code from your certificate or we will upload your certificate and get it verified. Most have not, so you will also need to go to More Info for SafeSport from your dashboard.

Once there, you can either Start the course or, as mentioned, enter your completed code if you have finished the training. Or you can start the course.

Lastly, if at any point you need to get to your profile, you can click your email (or login) id on the left hand side or the person icon in he upper right.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask!